Root Canal Treatment – Fort Worth, TX

Addressing the Pain by Removing the Infection

Are you experiencing a toothache or sensitivity to hot and cold food or drinks? You may benefit from endodontic care. A root canal is an endodontic procedure that can help patients with an infected or abscessed tooth achieve good health and well-being again. Not only is root canal treatment in Fort Worth a common and straightforward dental procedure, but it’s also non-invasive and, with today’s technology, more comfortable than ever before. Call our office to schedule an appointment if you find that your tooth pain is more than you can take.

Why Choose Distinguished Dental for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Advanced Dental Technology for Added Comfort
  • Your Dental Insurance is Welcome
  • Serving the Fort Worth Community for More Than a Decade

What Happens During a Root Canal?

During your root canal, our highly trained dentist will thoroughly clean out your tooth, removing all traces of infection as well as your tooth’s nerve. Afterward, we’ll fill the tooth with a biocompatible material known as gutta-percha. This will replace the nerve material we’ve removed. Finally, Dr. McIntosh and her team will place a protective crown over your tooth, restoring its strength, appearance, and functionality while saving the root underneath it.

Root Canal FAQs

After learning that you need a root canal, it’s very common to feel a sense of dread or anxiety. But one good way to alleviate your fear is to learn as much as you can about the procedure, so you know what to expect. With over 15 years of experience as a dentist in Fort Worth, Dr. Sheri McIntosh has performed countless root canals and compiled answers to several root canal FAQs below. But if there’s anything else you’d like to know, give our team a call. Our goal is to help you feel as comfortable as you can about this procedure, from beginning to end!

Is a Root Canal Painful?

A long time ago, dentists didn’t use the same effective anesthetic techniques that we do today, which is where root canals got their reputation for being painful. Thankfully, those days are long gone! Now, Dr. McIntosh starts by making absolutely sure that you’re completely numb, and many of our patients say their procedure was no more uncomfortable than getting a dental filling. We also offer sedation to make the procedure comfortable for everyone.

What is Root Canal Recovery Like?

It’s not uncommon to have some mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. This occurs as the inflammation that was previously in the tooth subsides and is easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication. We also recommend keeping the tooth clean with good oral hygiene habits and chewing on the opposite side for the first several days. If you have any pain that persists after three days, give us a call.

Is a Root Canal Better Than a Tooth Extraction?

We always encourage our patients to save their natural teeth whenever possible. While we have great replacement options such as bridges and dental implants, nothing is quite as good as your own teeth. And leaving a missing space after extraction increases the likelihood of problems with the remaining teeth such as cavities and gum disease and can also lead to bite and alignment issues.

Does Insurance Cover Root Canals?

In most cases, yes! Many insurance plans cover root canals at 50%-90% after the deductible has been met, but each plan is different, so start by looking at your guidelines. If you have any questions about your coverage, don’t hesitate to contact our office. We’ll be happy to explain your benefits and can even file a preauthorization, which is a formal estimate from your insurance company of how much they’ll pay for your procedure.

What Happens If I Choose Not to Have a Root Canal?

A root canal is done to treat an infection that has occurred in the pulp cavity of a tooth. The pulp contains the tooth’s blood supply and nerves, which extend through the canals that run the length of the roots (hence the name “root canals”). If left untreated, this infection can become very dangerous and even life-threatening because it can spread to other areas of your body. It can also lead to severe pain, which everyone can agree they’d rather avoid.

Again, you do have the option of having the tooth pulled, but as we mentioned before, we only recommend that as a last resort.