Distinguished Dental Blog

Get Your Child a Mouthguard Before School Starts

August 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 2:27 pm
Young boy putting in an athletic mouthguard

School is about to start again, along with all the activities associated with it – and for many children, this means sports. Of course, it’s all too easy for accidents to occur on the field or court, and it’s important to make sure that any budding athletes in your family are protected from potential dental injuries. As such, it’s often a good idea to make getting your child a mouthguard a top priority on your back-to-school list. Here’s what parents need to know.


3 Ways to Look Younger with Cosmetic Dentistry

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 2:02 pm
Woman with brown hair sitting outside and smiling

If you wish you could look younger, it might be worth considering the state of your smile. Teeth that are worn down, discolored, or oddly shaped can potentially age your appearance, but cosmetic dentistry can address these imperfections to help you look more youthful. If you want to take a few years off your grin but aren’t sure how to go about it, here are 3 suggestions.


Why You Should Schedule a Dental Appointment Before Your Summer Vacation

June 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 2:14 pm
Render of a temporary veneer being placed on the tooth

Are you planning on taking a vacation with your family this summer? Before you leave on your big trip, it’s a good idea to set up an appointment with your dentist first. As eager as you might be to simply focus on having fun throughout the next few months, there are several reasons why it’s a good idea to have any necessary dental visits performed at the start of summer; here are just a few examples.


CEREC Crowns: How Long Will It Take to Get One?

May 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 8:53 pm
CEREC machine right before a crown is made

Are you not looking forward to having to wear a temporary crown for weeks while waiting for a permanent one to be made? With the CEREC system, you won’t have to; your dentist will be able to create and place your crown in just one visit! But how long can you expect this visit to be? Here’s everything you need to know about the CEREC process.


Concerned About Your Smile? Here are 4 Things to Ask at Your Next Dental Checkup

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 12:53 pm
Male dental patient smiling during his checkup

Are you taking full advantage of your biannual dental visits? These appointments are a good opportunity to have your teeth thoroughly cleaned and have developing dental issues caught early. However, they also give you a chance to learn more about the best ways to take care of your smile. The next time you’re in the dentist’s office, don’t forget to ask these 4 questions.


3 Tips for Recovering from Dental Implant Surgery

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 10:05 pm
Photo of a dental surgery

Taking care of a dental implant in the days after surgery is critical to its long-term success. Your mouth needs time to heal, and your bone needs time to secure the dental implant in place. Thankfully, the entire process is fairly simple, and it shouldn’t be long before you’re back at 100%. Here are a few ways you can make sure the recovery process goes smoothly.


4 Foods Known to Easily Chip Teeth

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 9:31 am
A woman eating popcorn, one of the foods that can chip teeth

Of course, you likely know that your diet influences your smile. Depending on what you eat, a tooth can get exposed to staining agents, tooth-decaying sugar, and harmful mouth bacteria. However, did you know there are foods that can chip teeth too? Indeed, one lousy bite and these items could make bits of your enamel fall off. Assuming you want to avoid a dental emergency, then, you’ll want to know which foods have this effect. Fortunately enough, your Fort Worth dentist can tell you a few. Read on to learn four foods known to chip teeth.


5 Questions to Ask During Your Dental Implant Consultation

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 4:14 pm
person undergoing a dental implant consultation in Fort Worth

If you need to replace one or multiple missing teeth, then dental implants may be the premier solution for you. Not only can you expect them to restore the look and function of your natural smile, but they’ll also prevent jawbone deterioration and further tooth loss. While you can enjoy the benefits of these restorations for a lifetime, you might be wondering what to expect during your initial dental implant consultation. Read on to learn five questions you should ask your dentist before committing to the treatment!


Is Mouth-Breathing Bad for Your Dental Health?

August 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 11:34 pm
Man breathing through his mouth while sleeping.

When it comes to oral hygiene, brushing and flossing are the first things that come to mind for most people. But another big part of keeping a clean and healthy mouth is avoiding certain harmful habits! Believe it or not, one of these habits is breathing through your mouth; and while it might sound harmless, this tendency is actually linked to some serious oral health concerns. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about how mouth-breathing can negatively impact your dental health, along with some tips for preventing it from happening in the first place.


5 Myths About Dental Implants That Just Aren’t True

July 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 7:56 pm
Dental implants against a white background.

Dental implants are in a class of their own when it comes to replacing missing teeth! These awesome implants are able to perfectly restore lost pearly whites, and many patients have turned towards them—in fact, the American Dental Association claims that over five million dental implants are placed annually in the US! However, there are still some odd rumors and myths floating around about these implants that sometimes deter people from receiving them! Keep reading as we debunk five of the most common myths and misconceptions about dental implants.

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